25 November 2010

Thanks -- VeganMOFO #25

Today is the American holiday of Thanksgiving.  I don't celebrate the Pilgrims or any of that nonsense.  I celebrate the day when my family gets together again-- when we gather in one place and love one another after months (and for some, years) apart.  Sure, we share food and stories and laughter, but we also share bits of ourselves.  Spending time with my family, no matter how hectic and stressful it can be, is time spent rebuilding myself and my identity.  Driving 9+ hours to visit people I see twice a year is absolutely worth it -- it's like coming home after a very, very long day.  Family is the place where you don't have to be ashamed to be who you are.  You can unbutton your pants, have a belching contest, and watch Grandma kick everyone's asses at Skip-Bo or Yahtzee.  Family is the place where you can share your history and your future.  My family means the world to me.

Maybe I'm just lucky I was blessed with my family.  I know that not everyone has it so good.  And, for that, I wish everyone (whether with family, with friends, or quiet time alone) the best possible day.  I have an amazing, wild, hilarious, caring, generous family and I love them all like crazy.  I couldn't ask for a better clan.

I love you guys!

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