01 October 2012

Lazy Breakfast - VeganMoFo #1

You caught me. I forgot to buy groceries for the start of Vegan MoFo. I spent yesterday tiling my kitchen and completely spaced the fact that MoFo started today. So, what I did was have a super lazy breakfast. I baked some canned crescent rolls (check labels, some are vegan). They aren't healthy by any means, but they are good in a crunch. I added some nuts for a few healthy fats. These were a Germack brand mix of salt and pepper pistachios and cashews (they're called Castachios).Germack is a local Detroit nut company that roasts stellar nuts. No joke. They rule.

Now, I have to get my ass in gear and get to work. Ah, the life of a librarian.

Happy MoFo 2012


  1. Castachios! That's great. or now you can call the dish Cresctachios. Hey great pic, even though you forgot to shop. Works for me.
    Look forward to Mofoing with you. I'm late today.

    1. GiGi! Crestachios make the best breakfast!!

  2. I love that you posted this. I don't think I'd have the guts to admit that I'd eaten crescent rolls and cashews for breakfast, even though that's totally something I would do. Can't wait to see the rest of your posts this month!

    1. Hi CrueltyFreeReview, I used to feel that way a couple years ago. Then I realized that I don't care if people know I eat crap sometimes. It's just who I am. ;-)

  3. Lazy or not, that looks like one tasty breakfast.

    I love your header image- did you draw the bespectacled chickpea yourself?

    1. Hi Emily,
      I didn't draw it, my friend Michelle did it (www.myzoetrope.com). I love her work. She has an etsy store, too. She's awesome.
