12 January 2012

Review: Cajun Chickpea Cakes a la Happy Herbivore

I was gifted a copy of Everyday Happy Herbivore for my birthday from my pal, Jenna. It landed on my stoop as a complete surprise and I started browsing immediately. I flipped right open to a chickpea recipe! How fitting, eh? But, really, I did open it right up to a dish called Cajun Chickpea Cakes on page 188. I pretty much hopped right up and made them.

They turned out very, very well. In fact, I'm made them again last night. I did, of course, alter the recipe a little bit. I just can't help myself! Mine seemed to be a little dry, so I added a TB more mayo, a TB of water and maybe a 1/2 tsp of soy sauce. I also substituted the poultry seasoning with my favorite, all-purpose seasoning from Simply Organic brand, because I never have poultry seasoning on-hand. These little buggers were incredible. I highly recommend making the cajun mayo to dip these in.

I made a double batch last night, which was a great idea because I had some leftover for lunch today. I love when meals make easy lunches. I reheated them in the microwave. I'm not sure if it was the nuking or what, but they were pretty crumbly today. I didn't have any of the cajun mayo left, so I used some steak sauce (A1) to dip in. It was awesome! They go really well with steamed and roasted veggies and even mashed potatoes.

These remind me a little of baked falafel in texture and consistency. I am obsessed with falafels, in case you didn't know. So, I'll probably use this recipe as a base and alter the tastes to fit my moods-- like substituting curry powder for the cajun seasoning. Who knows!?! I'm a wild woman in the kitchen. 

I haven't tried any other recipes from Everyday Happy Herbivore yet, but if they are as good as these chickpea cakes, I then this book is a keeper. Have any of you tried recipes from the new cookbook?


  1. Ah, now I have something to look forward to! I have been going through the whole cookbook of Happy Herbivore and am almost done (made two more tonight). These cakes were something I was especially excited about! Good to know what I can do to them now when I do them :)) Thanks!

  2. I've been hearing a lot about this book! These look great. Glad they turned out so well.

  3. Elizabeth, I definitely recommend the cakes. I still haven't tried anything else from that cookbook, but I'm hoping the other recipes are up to the same par. Let me know if you like them when you make them. My husband and I absolutely loved them.

  4. Nikki, I had completely forgotten that the book had come out until it showed up on my doorstep. I really don't know how the other recipes are, but this one was so good that it's worth the cost alone. ...Or maybe that's just me as I am a chickpea addict. I just hope no one attempts an intervention on me.

  5. you such awesome photos! glad you enjoyed them!

  6. Yap, this decides it. I am your newest follower!
