25 January 2011

Pizza: It's not just takeout anymore

Pizza!!! Who doesn't love it? If you don't, then I can't be your friend. Easy as that. A person who dislikes pizza is probably a terrible human being with no sense of taste. That being said, you should know that I am a pizza junky. I could probably eat it every day and never tire of it. Really. Especially since I have come to love Daiya so much. I've tried different brands of vegan cheese and none can compare, at least in my humble (or not so humble) opinion. The trick, for me, is to combine both of the Daiya flavors: cheddar and mozzarella. Together, they make an unbeatable combo. And if you don't think so, then you can suck an egg. This is my blog, so I can say whatever I want. 

I cooked pizza on a piece of parchment on a rectangular baking stone, so my crust was perfectly crispy and chewy, which is how I like it. If you use a baking stone, heat it in the oven for at least 30 minutes prior to putting your pizza on it. That ensures it is heated through and super hot.

Here's the evolution of my dinner in the making:

Homemade sauce and some fresh basil:
Black olives and some onions:

Added the cheeses:

Melted cheese -- YUM:
 Perfectly crispy crust:

Cooked and ready to eeeaaatttttt:


  1. I, too, could eat pizza every day and not get tired of it. Question is, do you make your own pizza dough/crust or are you able to find it pre-made?

  2. I actualy made this crust. It was so much easier than I thought. I will find the recipe and add it to this post later today. But, I think you could probably find dough premade at Trader Joe's or Wholefood that may be vegan. I have never used any premade doughs for pizza. I used to just make pizzas on pita breads, which is actually quite tasty!
